Who should do one?
The eRAD should be completed by an individual or representative group, from senior management to the shop floor, with an informed and comprehensive understanding of the relationship under review. This can involve a relationship internal or external to the organisation.
The most effective results are achieved when both parties to the relationship complete the eRAD separately and the results analysed jointly. Through a joint, collaborative approach there is a natural crosscheck of information, perceptions and ideas allowing for a more comprehensive and accurate analysis. Experience indicates that this joint approach encourages greater openness and faster, more sustainable improvement in relationship development.
There are 3 roles that are important to understand in fully utilising the eRAD potential.
- the Respondent who completes the eRAD questionnaire on behalf of themselves or others
- the Sponsor who can coordinate and invite respondents to complete Multiple 1 Party and 2 Party eRADs, analyse results and engage eRAD Business Intelligence tools and
- the Viewer who has read only access to the eRAD respondent invitation summary and like the sponsor can analyse results and engage eRAD Business Intelligence tools.
Detailed roles and responsibilities are given below.
eRAD Roles and Responsibilities
Respondent (eRAD options 1, 2 and 3)
- Complete and pay for a 'Single 1 Party' (Option 1) eRAD and receive their eRAD report .
- Receive an invite from a sponsor and accept or decline the invite for either a:
- For Options 2 and 3, receive their own individual eRAD report.
A Sponsor's role is to:
- Sponsor eRAD respondents for a specific relationship involved in Multiple 1 Party eRAD (Option 2) and 2 Party eRAD (Option 3)
- Complete the eRAD set-up information, send invites and coordinate the respondents in the completion of their eRADs which includes:
- completing or modifying the eRAD preliminary information section
- completing and emailing eRAD invites
- the option to nominate themselves as an eRAD respondent
- the option to nominate a close-off date for eRAD completion
- the ability to cancel invites, resend invites or add new invites
- Pay for all eRADs associated with the invited respondents. Payment occurs only when the respondent fully completes the eRAD questionnaire by clicking on ‘Finish’.
A Sponsor can also:
- Analyse completed eRADs as single or combined eRAD results, and produce associated eRAD reports.
Note: this is a Business Intelligence tool which allows the sponsor to segment and analyse eRAD results based on selected criteria.
- Download eRAD reports and distribute them to respondents and others.
A sponsor CAN NOT access the raw data from respondent eRADs i.e. answers to the questions on the eRAD questionnaire.
Viewer (eRAD options 1,2 and 3)
A Viewer:
- Is nominated as a 'Viewer' by the eRAD Sponsor for the specific sponsored relationship under review.
- Has 'Read Only' access to invite summary and associated eRAD results information.
A Viewer CAN:
- Be a respondent for the sponsored eRAD, if invited by the Sponsor.
- Analyse completed eRADs as single or combined eRAD results and produce associated eRAD reports.
Note: this is a Business Intelligence tool which allows the viewer to segment and analyse eRAD results based on selected criteria.
- Transfer credits to a nominated Sponsor’s account so that the nominated Sponsor can set up and coordinate a sponsored eRAD.
A Viewer CAN NOT:
- Add other 'Viewers'.
- Invite new Respondents to the sponsored eRAD.
- Manage Invites
- Change any details in the eRAD preliminary information section.
- Invite themselves as an eRAD respondent.
- Change the due date for eRAD completion.